UHS Training This Saturday

Make plans to attend the Synergy fly-in this weekend! This critical, ongoing training should be a critical component to your Synergy business.

On Saturday, February 12, following the Fast Start Training, there will be a UHS Opportunity and Technician Training from 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM MST, at the Synergy corporate office.

The agenda will be as follows:

12:00 - 12:45 PM: Opportunity
See exactly how the CASPro and BPro devises are being used today by Synergy distributors. The use of these devices have provided dramatic increases in their business and you will be taught how to do the same. Whether you own a device or not, you don't want to miss this session.

12:45 - 2:00 PM: Technical Training
Not only will you be taught how to use these devices, but you will also be shown how to put them to immediate use in your Synergy business. The proper use of these devices can help grow your organization and create even greater revenue for yourself and your team.

2:00 - 3:30 PM: Hands-on Training
Increase your comfort level for operating these devices by getting hands on experience. You'll have the opportunity to use the devices and go through a walk through of a real screening.

3:30 - 4:00 PM: Question & Answer
Staff will be available to answer any and all questions you may have. Leaving this session you'll have a great understanding of how to start making and growing your cash flow the right way.

Seating is limited! Click here to register now or call 1-866-914-3406 to register by phone.

Don't miss this tremendous opportunity to learn more about how these devices can help you EXPLODE YOUR SYNERGY BUSINESS!



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