New Spanish Resources Available

Synergy has added additional resources to help you take this business opportunity and ProArgi-9+ to the Spanish speaking community.

Spanish Customer Service

Synergy now has a dedicated Spanish speaking Customer Service line to help your business partners and/or customers who prefer to speak Spanish.

This new Spanish line is specific to North America and can be reached by calling (801) 431-7678, from 8am - 8pm MDT, Monday - Friday.

Synergy Pulse Now Available in Spanish

Synergy's backoffice (Pulse) can now be accessed in Spanish simply by switching the language option located in the upper right-hand corner.

Just below your account name, you will see a drop down menu that defaults to English. Simply click on the arrow and choose Spanish as the preferred language.

Click here to go to Synergy Pulse now

Note: Whichever language you are in upon logging out of Pulse will be the same language you will see the next time you login.

Spanish Sales Tools

As a reminder, Synergy has also made Spanish sales tools available through

Here's a look at what's available:

Spanish ProArgi-9+ Brochure
Provides a quick look at ProArgi-9+ and educates the reader on its heart health benefits.
Pack of 25
Price: $8.75

Spanish ProArgi-9+ DVD
Let the ProArgi-9+ DVD tell the story of ProArgi-9+ and heart health in just a few powerful minutes.
Pack of 10
Price: $39.90

Spanish Heart Health Journal
One of Synergy's most effective tools in sharing the benefits of ProArgi-9+. Packed with product information and testimonials, you will find it easy to share this product with all those you meet.
Pack of 50
Price: $17.50

Visit and order today



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