Synergy Announces Gold Camp

Gold is a precious metal with universal value. It is solid yet malleable and represents a significant investment. Gold is often synonymous with winner.

The new Synergy Gold Camp is suitably named for its corresponding characteristics. It is a gathering of solid, valuable Team Members whose investment to date is significant yet who are new enough to Synergy that their business can be molded into something of even greater value. The exclusive Synergy Gold Camp is a training opportunity designed especially for Team Members at the Gold and Team Leader levels to take them to new heights.

Synergy’s first Gold Camp will premier May 22, 2010, in conjunction with our Open House. Subsequent camps will take place three times per year and will be held on the Saturday following our Open House event. All Team Members who have qualified as Gold or Team Leader within six months prior to the event are invited to attend.

Agenda for each Gold Camp:
o 8 am: Breakfast (Provided by Synergy)
o 9 am–12 am: Business Building Skills
– Conducting Opportunity Meetings
– Conducting Trainings
– Moderating Conference Calls
– Product Training
– Recognition
– Communication
o 12 pm–2 pm: Lunch (Provided by Synergy)
o 2 pm–4 pm: Compensation Plan Training
o 4 pm–5 pm: Advisory Board Q&A

You will be responsible for personal travel and accommodations, and we will provide you with exclusive and highly valuable training to assist you as you build up a solid business. We invite all Gold and Team Leaders to join us for our first Gold Camp on May 22, 2010.



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