Success with the 2x2 Builder Bonus

On March 1, Synergy WorldWide launched the 2x2 Builder Bonus, a Fast Start Bonus enhancement that pays out $200 each time its qualifications are met.

Based on principles of duplication and sponsorship, the $200 Builder Bonus is earned each time you sponsor two new Team Members and help them get their two.

Download the 2x2 Builder Bonus flyer to learn more

Duplication & Sponsorship

For new and existing Team Members, the 2x2 Builder Bonus encourages sponsorship, duplication and team work - all ingredients to building a lasting business. By teaching your new Team Members to duplicate your efforts, the duplication system becomes easy to understand.

Andrew McLaws of Arizona, who recently joined Synergy WorldWide, has found great simplicity in the principles of the 2x2 Builder Bonus.

Synergy's cooperative compensation plan is based on principles of teamwork. Your role as an upline is to be a sponsor, to help educate your team and lead them to reach their desired level of success. The 2x2 Builder Bonus is just one aspect of Synergy's Mega-Match Compensation Plan that incentivizes for such efforts.

Click here to learn more about the 2x2 Builder Bonus



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