This weekend, at the January Open House, Synergy WorldWide will unveil the exciting details behind two announcements that will fuel your Synergy business to greater heights of success in 2012!
Here's a glimpse of what's to come...
Synergy's New Autoship Promotion
Synergy's new Autoship promotion will save you money and grow your business!
This Friday, January 27, your inbox will receive a money-saving, business boosting, heart pumping (no pun intended) announcement that involves Autoship, ProArgi-9+, and HUGE savings!
All details will be officially announced at the Open House this Friday, January 27, followed by communications via the blog, eClub, and social media!
Additional training specific to the Autoship promotion will also be given at the Founder's Training on Saturday, January 28.
Stay tuned for more details...

Keep your eyes on the blog -- exciting details yet to come!