Each month we invite Team Members and their guests to our corporate headquarters to get a feel for what Synergy WorldWide is all about.
If you've yet to come to an Open House, mark your calendar for Friday, June 24 and begin making plans today! Your eyes will be opened as you gain a sincere appreciation for the measures we take to ensure the highest quality products in the industry.
Synergy Open House
When: Friday, June 24
Where: Synergy Corporate OfficeTime: 1:00-8:00 PM
On Saturday, June 25, the day following Synergy's Open House, we will be holding Fast Start Training and Gold Camp for qualified Team Members. Qualifications and details can be found below.
Fast Start Training
Fast Start Training is for Team Members who are just starting to build their Synergy business. We will educate you on the fundamental principles and steps necessary to get started at Synergy WorldWide.
When: Saturday, June 25
Where: Synergy Corporate Office
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Cost: Free
Gold Camp
This exclusive training will teach recently achieved Gold and Team Leaders how to leverage the Mega-Match Compensation Plan by becoming the perfect sponsor. Now that your business is growing, it's important you understand how to give your team the level of support it needs to be successful.
When: Saturday, June 25
Where: Synergy Corporate Office
Start: 10:00 AM - Registration starts at 9:30 AM
Cost: $20/person
Click here for more information on Synergy's Gold Camp