Super Synergy Weekend in AZ

Friday August 27 - Saturday August 28
Mesa Hilton: 1011 W. Holmes Ave, Mesa
Mark your calendars, invite your prospects, and get ready for an incredible weekend!

Join Dan Higginson, CEO/Founder Synergy, Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Endocrinologist and Advisory Board Member, and Dianne Leavitt, Presidential Executive, for an event you won't want to miss.

Event Details:
*Friday, August 27 @ 7:00 PM
Opportunity Meeting with Dan Higginson

*Saturday August 28
Dr. Joe Prendergast and Dianne Leavitt

1:30 - 3:00 PM: Medical Professionals Only

3:30 - 5:00 PM: Interview with Dr. Joe, performed by Dianne Leavitt
All guests and distributors invited to attend

6:00 PM: Enjoy a BBQ hosted by Carl Schuelke
Location: Sunset Resort: 8615 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ



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