It's about to get even hotter in Phoenix!
Arizona's Super Synergy Weekend is this Friday and Saturday. Get ready for an energizing weekend as Dan Higginson, Dr. Joseph Prendergast, and Dianne Leavitt create an atmosphere for all to enjoy.
Watch Dianne Leavitt as she shares her excitement in anticipation of this upcoming weekend.
Friday August 27 - Saturday August 28
Mesa Hilton: 1011 W. Holmes Ave, Mesa
Join Dan Higginson, CEO/Founder Synergy, Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Endocrinologist and Advisory Board Member, and Dianne Leavitt, Presidential Executive, for an event you won't want to miss.
Event Details:
*Friday, August 27 @ 7:00 PM
Opportunity Meeting with Dan Higginson
Opportunity Meeting with Dan Higginson
*Saturday August 28
Dr. Joe Prendergast and Dianne Leavitt
1:30 - 3:00 PM: Medical Professionals Only
3:30 - 5:00 PM: Interview with Dr. Joe, performed by Dianne Leavitt
All guests and distributors invited to attend
6:00 PM: Enjoy a BBQ hosted by Carl Schuelke
Location: Sunset Resort: 8615 E. Main St, Mesa, AZ