Dear Synergy Team Member,
At the end of September, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) sent letters to multiple direct sales companies regarding improper product claims made by their independent distributors, specifically on independent websites and through social media. These letters detailed specific examples of inappropriate marketing behavior, along with an overall directive to correct and prevent them immediately. The following link directs you to an article detailing the situation. We encourage each of you to review it and share it with your teams as soon as possible.
These warnings highlight an all-too-common practice that is unfortunately not restricted to these three marketers; the practice of using exaggerated, unsupported and sometimes unsafe claims to promote products.
We believe reviewing this will serve to increase your awareness of the rules and regulations surrounding the practice of sharing natural products. More importantly, we are confident that it will re-enforce the advantage of purchasing from and partnering with a time-honored and trusted company like Synergy WorldWide that emphasizes quality products and sales integrity.
However, as one of the world's most trusted companies, we earnestly strive to honor that trust by staying within legal boundaries and away from statements that might mislead or give our customers unrealistic, unfounded or even unsafe expectations.
We applaud your already-stellar efforts in this regard and hope you take this opportunity to recommit and continue to conduct your business with the utmost attention to quality, service, and integrity. Should you have any questions about what claims are permissible, or our policies and procedures regarding claims, please click here to view our "Policies and Procedures" handbook. Additionally, you may contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800 or email
Yours in health and prosperity,
Dan Norman
President, Synergy WorldWide
Rich Strulson
Executive Vice President/General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, NSP