First Elite Honors Club Qualifiers

One of Synergy North America's most powerful announcements was made earlier this month at the Business Builders Conference in Salt Lake City. Distributors from across the United States witnessed the launch of the Elite Honors Club, a business-building system that mathematically maximizes the revenue made through your Synergy business and naturally transitions your business from a startup to a powerful residual income machine.

For more information about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

We would like to congratulate the following Team Members for already being qualified in the month of June. Welcome to the Elite Honors Club!

Barry Petrina, Blauvelt, New York
Dan Hammer, West Chicago, Illinois
Dane Iorg, Highland, Utah
Heather Lambert, Carmillo, California
Jean Lavallie, Downers Grove, Illinois
Joe Napoli, Middletown, New Jersey
Pamela Krajnik, Nampa, Idaho
Steve & Roxanne Seely, Pleasant Grove, Utah

We are also keeping a close eye on many of you that are very close to being Elite Honors qualified. Below is our watch list. We strongly encourage you to close the month strong and become Elite Honors qualified. You are almost there! Set this goal for yourself and make it happen.

Matt Lewis, Orem, Utah
Evtech Media, Lindon, Utah
David N. Sim, Boise, Idaho
Kerry Heitkotter, Northbrook Illinois
Gerri Bingham, Mesa, Arizona
Mark Comer, Highland, Utah
I. Carol Priem, Mesa, Arizona
Corrine Brandi, Contuit, Massachusetts
Dawn Bruce, Temecula, California
Alex Medin, Middletown, California
Lillian C. Vergin, West Valley City, Utah
Ken & Mary Richeaux, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Lor Pace, Layton, Utah
Pete Miller, Delta, Colorado
Elia Talboy, Washougal, Washington
David Munoz, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Gwen Brown, Temecula, California
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza, Enumclaw, Washington
Dr. Jim Sandberg, Simi Valley, California



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