Congratulations to the incredible Melissa Larsen for coming in as June's #1 point earner. Michelle J. Duncan came in second, just above Charlie Thorn. Each of them has won a great prize, along with the rest of these challengers. Well done everyone!
Rank | Name | Points |
1 | Melissa Larsen | 4610 | iPAD MINI |
2 | Michelle J. Duncan | 3688 | KINDLE FIRE HD |
3 | Charlie Thorn | 3265 | JAWBONE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER |
4 | Luis Rodriguez | 3067 | CAMERA |
5 | Roxanna Madsen | 3063 | $100 SYNERGY STORE GIFT CERTIFICATE |
6 | Mark Comer | 2726 | SYNERGY WATCH |
7 | Dan Hammer | 2220 | SYNERGY DUFFEL + HEALTH SHAKE |
8 | Marty & Heather Holker | 2156 | SYNERGY DUFFEL + HEALTH SHAKE |
9 | Geri Stewart | 2069 | iPOD SHUFFLE |
10 | Henriette E. Parker | 1855 | iPOD SHUFFLE |
A big congrats to Melissa and the rest of June's top point earners! We hope you will enjoy the prizes you have earned, and that you continue to achieve great things throughout 2014. Don't forget, all these points are adding up to get you to Los Cabos, Mexico!
Cumulative Top 50
In addition to our monthly list of winners, a yearly cumulative list is available here. Check back often to see your progress (the list is updated weekly).
Remember, as you accumulate points throughout the year you can qualify for a fantastic vacation in CABO!!! That's right, we're taking our Top 50 Team Members to Los Cabos Mexico to stay in an amazing all-inclusive resort. For more details about that trip and what it takes to get there, click here.

For complete details and information on Synergy's Top 50 Challenge, click here.