August 2018 Title Plus Earners

Last month, Synergy paid out over $3,300 in Title Plus bonuses. Congratulations to all those who earned their bonus last month!

Remember, by building on this momentum to maintain or reach new ranks you can earn matching bonuses, fourth month bonuses and compounding bonuses. For more information about the Title Plus promotion, click here.

Team Manager

The Synergy Project Llc 2x Achieved

Team Leader

Durlyne Holder 2x Achieved
Carlos Marcano


Arnold Brod 2x Achieved
Durlyne Holder 2x Achieved
Josh Butcher
Brandon Brenchley
Adam Nanney
Jeremy Reeder
Carlos Marcano
Hamolu Enterprises Llc


Brandon Brenchley 2x Achieved
Adam Nanney 2x Achieved
Alex Cumberbatch
Gloria Charles
Carlos Marcano
Hamolu Enterprises Llc


Mireille Pierre Fourth Month Bonus
Mary Blakley 3x Acheived & Matching Bonus
Kayla Davidson 3x Achieved
Keeclean Management Inc. 3x Achieved
Alexander Plaza Verdejo 3x Achieved
Mark Myers 2x Achieved
Jacqueline Mcclashie 2x Achieved
Carmen M De Leon Bonilla 2x Achieved
Lydia Cumberbatch
Carlos Marcano
Hamolu Enterprises Llc
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc


Diane Galloway Fourth Month Bonus
Stanley Jordan 3x Achieved
Keeclean Management Inc. 3x Achieved
Carlos Roman Vizcarrondo 3x Achieved
Henderson Graves 2x Achieved
Mark Myers 2x Achieved
Marjorie Lewis 2x Achieved
Patricia Rigby 2x Achieved
Minsoo Cha 2x Achieved
Damon Loosli 2x Achieved
Sungmin Kim 2x Achieved
Suzette Saunders 2x Achieved
Jarrett Webster 2x Achieved
Erik Brown 2x Achieved
Adam Bunting 2x Achieved
Ben Thompson 2x Achieved
William Johnson 2x Achieved
David Tuma 2x Achieved
Braden Boyson 2x Achieved
Jeff Boyson 2x Achieved
Douglas Morales Montanez 2x Achieved
Cheryl Gaskin
Dr Wassim Khoury
Miriam Figueroa
Virginai Sconyers
Renee Gomes-boucher
Hamolu Enterprises Llc
Aaron Lewis
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc
Dennis Taylor
Delphina John
Margaret Belfon



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